Acciaroli Secrets … 

Why should you want to know the secrets of Acciaroli??? Acciaroli is coastal village in the region of Campania south of Naples with only 2,000 residents.  300 of them are over 100 years old! That is 1.5 in every 10 residents are over 100.  This is the greatest concentration of centenarians in the world. 


The health of these centenarians is remarkably strong with very few suffering from Alzheimer’s, heart disease or cataracts.  Scientists have flocked to the picturesque seaside cliff village to test the blood of these centenarians.  A stress hormone called adrenomedullin was found to be very low, more similar to that of people in age range of 20-30.  This stress-free lifestyle seems to be a large factor in their unusual longevity.  


This diet consists of home-grown vegetables, fish caught daily by locals, home grown poultry, and high quality olive oil.  But, this is not much different than anywhere else in the Mediterranean countries of Italy, Greece, and Spain.  Although many Mediterranean people use the herb rosemary which is high in carnosic acid it appears that the people of Acciaroli use it even more than their neighbors.  Carnosic acid is an anti-inflammatory, it contains tumor fighting compounds, improves memory, protects eye health, and fends off free radical brain damage. 


The location of Acciaroli as a cliff side village has created a lifestyle of walking but not just any walking, walking up stairs.  Stairs creates a greater cardiovascular health catalyst as well as forces more ankle, knee, hip, and low back strengthening.  


So, walk steps every day!  And add some rosemary to your diet!