Centenarian Series / Blue Zones 

 At Forte Fitness our over-arching guiding principle is quality of life. It is not about appearance, a clothing size, or a number on a scale. In life we must ask ourselves what truly matters, what truly has significance, and what adds genuine value to our experience and those we are in community with. 

There are six Blue Zones, and two are in Italy.  We will be taking a look at these six Blue Zones over the next 6 months to see what unique lessons each zone has to offer. The zones include Sardinia (Italy), Acciarolli (Italy), Ikaria (Greece), Nikoya (Costa Rica), Okinawa (Japan), and Loma Linda (California).  

So, why do these areas have so many centenarians? Scientists are studying these areas closely. Generally, it is clear there is a genetic factor that is a foundational starting point, but it must be accompanied by lifestyle habits and choices that build on the genetic advantage.  

In Sardinia 10% of the population are centenarians. Sardinia is the only place in the world where there are more male centenarians than female, although the ratio is nearly 1:1. But comparatively speaking in the other Blue Zones, women are centenarians in a 9:1 ratio relative to men.  

The people of Sardinia eat a diet rich in protein, grains, and vegetables. Protein is often consumed in the following forms: lamb, cheese, and cured meats. Grains are used to make homemade pasta and a bread that is called “pane carasau,” which is like pita or naan. Almost everyone has their own garden, and they eat the vegetables in season which are picked at their peak for nutrient density, or they are purchased at local farmer’s markets. The protein sources, animal products, are all pasture / forage raised, eating a diverse set of plants creating a diverse nutrient profile. The cured meats are nitrite free. The cheese and cured meats are high in fat but good fat which is high in omega 3 fatty acids and rich in vitamins due to being pasture / forage raised.  And don’t forget the red wine! But it is enjoyed with a meal in a simple glass in moderation. The wine credited with contributing to this longevity is an organic wine, Cananau, which boasts very high resveratrol levels, maybe the highest of any wine. 

Physical activity is a constant that includes walking but often with hills and steps, shepherding animals, being on one’s feet making bread, pasta, and meals, working the garden which requires bending to weed or using a hoe.  

Community and family are central. Sardinians seem to be surrounded by family constantly. Elders are very involved in childcare giving them purpose and a sense of contribution each day. It is a socializing factor with young children as they grow a love for their grandparents and great grandparents and a respect for elders.  This also serves as a conduit for the passing of wisdom, values, and tradition. Why do the men live to 100+ in a 1:1 ratio with their female counter parts? One secret may be in male relationship time. You will find daily after 3:30pm men gathered together in the town piazza or square, sitting at a table playing cards together. The competition may bring these men together, but it is the relationships formed and the engagement in each other’s lives which is layered for decades and adds a richness to life and a sharing of burdens reducing stress. One centenarian when asked for her advice for living a long life said, “Don’t be jealous or envious.
