2020 and Forte Diversity

It has been a year hasn't it? At Forte we have experienced several life changes just like many of you reading this right now. We have newly wedded coaches, soon to be and current first time parents, new home owners, new staff, new management, new facility space and a global pandemic. Our staff is in fact a melting pot of uniqueness throughout but some of what we share creates the Forte training atmosphere and community.  As I looked closer at each of us, our commonalities include some major traits like our love for training to improve our own quality of life through movement and healthy lifestyle habits. However they are drastically different. Over the next few months we want to share these common differences with you in the form of an interview with each of our trainers.  

This month we are highlighting our newest team member Connor Welsh CSCS


Q: What is your favorite exercise? 

A: I am partial to the hinge pattern, so I would have to say the deadlift. Definitely the deadlift. That’s my favorite exercise.

Q: Is that your final answer?

A: Yes, haha 

Q: Why the deadlift?

A: Because it’s very raw. You walk up to the bar, you put your hands on it, and you pick it up. It looks very simple, but there are some key pieces of the movement that I like to help people with while I coach them. This makes it both a fun movement to perform, and also to instruct. 

The deadlift also teaches me to trust my back rather than being afraid to use it.

Q: What does this movement work? 

A: I really like to think of this exercise as a whole-body movement. However, the primary movers are the glutes, hamstrings, and spinal erectors.  


Part of our vision is to inspire and equip people with knowledge to move safely and intentionally. Stay tuned as we bring you more of our favorite movements and patterns. They might become your new favorite movement or pattern!

Be on the lookout for our next segment! Like, share, comment, and go get up and move! 

Happy Lifting!