When you travel...

When you travel, plan ahead.  Check out your route, and find the right restaurants to stop and enjoy a healthy meal.  Examine the menus ahead of time, and make the right choice so that you don't fall victim to an impulsive decision.  Another option is to pack a cooler of meals and snacks to insure you are eating healthfully.

Last weekend I was out of town and found the Oakhurst Inn in Charlottesville, VA for breakfast.  Wow!  It was one of the best breakfast meals I have ever had.  


You can see from the photo how beautiful this amazing bowl of nutrients is!  It is a savory bowl of steel cut oats garnished with beets, arugula, black beans, avocado, harissa, curry, a poached egg, edible violet, and a lemon.  I am going to try to reproduce this at home and you should too!  
