

In America we often equate fitness with appearance or a body weight. But true fitness is not a shape or a number on a scale. 

The American Council on Exercise has identified four tests that give a true indication of fitness - demonstrating whether your body is functional. A functional body is a key to maintaining a high quality of life, sustaining the ability to continue doing the daily tasks and recreational pleasures that you enjoy.  

A functional body can also move freely in all planes of human movement. Oftentimes, as people move decade by decade through life, daily tasks become more and more difficult. Unfortunately, that often translates into people not continuing to participate in many of the recreational activities often enjoyed in earlier decades.

So... what are the four tests??? 

Cardiovascular Endurance 
Cardiovascular endurance is a test of the ability of the heart and lungs to deliver oxygen throughout the body. You should be able to complete 1 mile in 12 minutes or less before the age of 60, and 14 minutes or less after the age of 60. 

Muscular Strength and Endurance 

The muscular strength / endurance test has two parts. First is a push-up test, which tests upper body strength and endurance. Males should be able to complete 2 sets of 15 push-ups with a moderate rest period of not more than a minute. Females should perform the same test, but with a modified push-up. 

The second part tests the lower body's strength and endurance. It involves 2 sets of 20 leg lunges on each leg with a moderate rest period of not more than one minute. 

Core Strength

Core strength involves the musculature of the midsection of the body which includes postural muscles, abdominal muscles, and oblique muscles. The body is a chain consisting of three parts - upper, middle and lower. The core being the middle link in the chain is the key two a functional body because when the middle link is weak the other links become less functional. 

The core test is called a plank.  In the plank position you assume the prone position, resting on your forearms, then push up onto your toes, so that your body is like a flat board.  You should be able to hold this position for 30 seconds, without allowing the hips to sag or rise above the shoulders. 


Can you touch your toes?

Examine yourself and see if you are fit. Turn your mind set away from the cultures obsession with appearance and get in true shape. If you struggle with some or all of the tests do not get discouraged. The body is an amazingly designed machine that adapts quickly to challenges. 

So, get started by attempting these tests every other day for a total of 3 days a week. You will be amazed how quickly the body adapts. Ultimately, you will develop a body that is functional... and a body that is functional improves your quality of life!        

To your health,



We are Americans. We value hard work and when we stop working we feel guilty, we believe we are falling behind, others are getting ahead, we will be viewed as lazy or lacking drive and ambition.  

However, there are many benefits to a nap and it is truly part of our physio-logical make up. We have hormones that control whether we are awake or asleep. In general between 1 and 4 pm or 12 hours from the midpoint of night's sleep our sleep hormones are winning but we fight this physiological need in the name of productivity.  

Physiologically, sleep is an active restorative process. Research conducted by NASA, with astronauts, found that a nap of 26 minutes improved productivity by 34%. Southern Europeans in Italy, Spain and Greece have taken advantage of the nap for centuries. 

Sardinia, Italy is a Blue Zone - meaning that the people there have a centenarian rate 30% higher than the rest of the world. The Sardinian men are the longest living men on the planet. They are physically active. They eat a diet of 40%+ fat - good fat derived from olive oil, meat and dairy from free roaming sheep and cows that consume a diversity of grasses, producing a high level of omega three fatty acids which prevent disease. But among the factors that contribute to this long life is the Sardinians' habit of a daily nap! This restorative process is a stress reducer and the positive effect on stress levels is has a positive effect on length of life, compared to Americans and Northern Europeans.

Rules for the Nap:

  • The duration of the nap should be 10 - 40 minutes
  • The nap should be between the hours of 1 and 4 pm / or 12 hours from the midpoint of one's night sleep
  • The temperature should not be too hot or cold in the room
  • The room should be dark
  • The room should be free from noise
  • You should lie down
  • Drink an espresso or some caffeine before the nap

Benefits of the Nap:

  • Increased productivity
  • Improved alertness
  • Enhances performance
  • Reduces mistakes
  • Reduces accidents
  • Has positive affects on those who suffer from night time insomnia
  • Psychological benefits
  • Reduction in negative stress hormone cortisol
  • Improves learning and working memory
  • Reverses information overload stress
  • Prevents burnout
  • Improves creativity
  • Improves mood
  • Saves money

Treat yourself to a nap daily or at least begin by trying to incorporate it several times a week. Plan it out and put it in your calendar. Consider your nap as important as eating healthfully and exercising regularly and as important as a scheduled meeting with your boss or client.

Take a lesson from the Sardinians: drink an espresso and take a siesta! 


To your health,



When it comes to improving one's health, the most common hurdle is losing weight. Exercise is a factor and is important but often the biggest factor is one's food choices. We live in a culture where we are fed constantly the message that there is some "silver bullet" that can solve our eating difficulties. 

The reality is that there is no shortcut.  We must have discipline. Yep, I said it: we must have discipline. This is a hard word and many of us, when we hear it, may think there is no hope. But this is not true! We must have discipline but it is also helpful to have some keys to follow.  Here are four keys to follow that will help you improve your eating habits. 

  • Make your home a sanctuary. In your home, do not have any non-foods. Your refrigerator and cabinets should be full of whole foods - green veggies, a diversity of colored veggies, fruits, beans, nuts, seeds, whole grains, potatoes and finally some animal products (dairy, beef, lamb, poultry, fish).
  • If you are going to be traveling or you are going to have a crazy American day, running everywhere, then plan ahead. The night before, pick your restaurant out and go to the menu and pre-determine the healthiest choice you can make. Drink only water. Then communicate to a friend, family member, co-worker your decision to provide accountability. By doing this you are not showing up hungry and deciding at that moment but you have already made your decision.
  • If you are going to be traveling or you are going to have a crazy American day running everywhere then plan ahead.  Make at home the night before a healthy portable meal and or snacks. Bring water! 
  • If you make 1, 2, and 3 your lifestyle discipline - then on a date night, a special occasion, holiday, or celebration don't worry about it and celebrate free from guilt. If you have 30-50 splurges a year you will be healthy. Get 300+ days of eating healthy and you will be healthy.

It just takes a little bit of discipline.  And as we all know small bits of discipline in life add up. So, get disciplined and take the four tips and make them part of your life!  

To your health,
